Friday, January 6, 2012

Welcome to Indiana Cosmetology & Barber Deregulation

The public hearing on HB1006 is scheduled for Friday, January 20th at 10:30 am in Room 156B in the basement of the statehouse at Capitol and Market.

This blog will serve as an information and communication resource for anyone interested in defeating HB 1006 that eliminates all Cosmetology and Barber Licensing.

Indiana ROEC Homepage
Indiana General Assembly Homepage
New Hampshire Deregulation Defeated
Indiana Deregulation Newspaper Article

Click on this link to House Bill 1006 which eliminates Cosmetology and Barbering. The Bill is still in Committee and we intend to stop it there. They can't vote on it until it comes out of Committee. There is no Senate Bill.

PBA Action Letter for HB 1006 is now linked online. The alert is open to Indiana residents that live in the districts of the committee members. If a person lives outside the district they must send a copy of the letter directly to the legislature via the email addresses at the bottom of this email. Send all letters of opposition to David Wolkins and the Employment, Labor, and Pensions Committee.
HB 1006 PBA Action Alert

The bill is currently in the House Committee on Employment, Labor and ensions Bill Watch Employment Labor Pensions.

Here's a link to the Legislative Calendar


  1. If you oppose the deregulation, we need your help. We are organizing now. Sign up for this blog to receive an email when anything new posts. We also invite you to post your comments here.

    We may be able to stop this deregulation at the Governor's office. If we can't stop it there, we are confident we will prevail in the General Assembly.

    1. We just updated the Blog with an Action Alert from PBA. Check it out and tell everyone you know to call, email or mail the Bill's Author David Wolkins and all the members of the Committee. It's up to us to convince them that deregulation will have a lot of negative effects that they hadn't concidered.

    2. I am a licensed Educator of Cosmetology in Evansville, IN. This is outrageous and the committe has no knowledge of the ecducation in this field. I see first hand what risks are involved in such a bill, and if passed I believe that everyone who has worked hard to achieve their training should be reimbursed by the state of Indiana or take a class action lawsuit against them, which united together would have a more postive outcome. I have worked hard to get where I am in the field to obtain a Cosmetology License and an Instructor of Cosmetology License and I refuse to sit by and watch such a thing happen.
      We are professionals, and need to be respected as such! The chemicals, sanitation and training are vital in this field, as in others. I see the students start school with fear of haircutting,proper use of chemicals,haircolor,etc. when they are first starting. But with proper training they achieve a skill. And there is also sanitation, infecteous disease classes, the proper use of chemicals (chemical relaxers, perms, etc.) that must be taught properly. Bacteriology, and so much more. Before they do this they need to have some knowledge of the field, and they don't I am sure. This bill also affects Hearing Aid Specialists, Security Guards,Dieticians, etc. They are not thinking at all, and it would also put the Professional Beauty Suppliers out of business which results in job loss, loss of business' that pay taxes and our state would lose revenue and jobs. Does this make any sense to cause all this. The committe needs to go back to school or wherever they came from. Would you want someone from off the street with no training to perform hair services on you rather than a graduate? An untrained Security Guard to protect you, a Dietician with no training to advise you on what to eat for your health with no Knowledge of the human body? This will cost the state of Indiana far more than it would help!!!!

  2. In addition to forfeiting revenue earned by the state, the general public would be at risk as they will have no idea if an individual has the expertise to consult, apply, and monitor chemical services safely; including, but not limited to aesthetic treatments, chemical relaxer applications, 20 volume versus 40 volume developers, etc.

  3. We've emailed all of the General Assembly members and the Governor about the issue, and have signed the petition. What else can we do to help?

  4. We have emailed all of the Committee members Gov. Daniels all of the representatives. We have all signed the petition.
    Janelle Banks

  5. We have sent an e-mail to everyone in our address book that is a citizen of the state of Indiana or has close ties to schools here. I included a link to this page and encouraged everyone to sign the petition.

  6. when and where will this public meeting be held

    1. The meeting is still not posted. We will know exatly where and when soon and post it on the blog. I assume it will be in the State House.

  7. I hold a license, so if this passes you reimbursing me my fee I pay to the government for that license and everyone else that has paid you money for a little peice of paper that states that I put in my time and money for my license! I would like reimbursed if you pass this! Cause if Joe Blow can do this for free, I better be able to too!

  8. WRTV Channel 6 in Indianapolis will air a story on HB1006 Tuesday, January 17th at 5:30 pm.

  9. This isnt a good law to pass..Im sorry but there is no way id want someone to touch my hair if they havent learnt anything about the properties of the hair.. if this law is passed there will be alot of lawsuits because of really jacked up hair!! Is the legislature crazy!

  10. This is an absolute joke. I mean seriously I worked my butt off for my license and ill be damned if some legislature is going to take it out from underneath me. If this law is passed I will be reimbursed the 18000 dollars I paid for school last year and the fees to buy my license from you wack jobs!

    1. COME PROTEST ON FRIDAY @ 9:30 at the Statehouse! Here is the link to the facebook event I just created:

  11. The public hearing on HB1006 is scheduled for Friday, January 20th at 10:30 am in Room 156B in the basement of the statehouse at Capitol and Market

  12. I am a barber trying to organize a protest during the hearing.

    HB 1006 would eliminate the licensing of cosmetologists, barbers, manicurists and related professions! Show your legislators that you do not support this anti small business legislation that is dangerous to the health & safety of the public!

    The public hearing on HB1006 is scheduled for Friday, January 20th at 10:30 am in Room 156B in the basement of the Statehouse.

    Please be there by 9:30 to get there early enough to protest & get into the hearing!

    Here is the link to the facebook event:

  13. This law is outrageous! Not everyone should be cutting, coloring or even perming hair. There takes a great talent for people to be doing any of this. And if you do away with this license, what about manicurist or estheticians licenses? Are you going to be doing away with those as well? If this bill does get passed I will demand my money back for schooling.

  14. What's next??? Doctors,lawyers or pharmacists??? Wouldn't surprise me in the least...I mean how dumb is this?

  15. I flunked civics in high school and I don't have a crystal ball, so I don't really know what's going to happen, but I can make a guess.

    They received more calls, emails and letters on Cosmetology and Barbering than they did on the Right to Work Bill thanks to everyone. None of us could have done this alone, but together we are powerful.

    State Rep. David Wolkins says he plans to listen to the people the proposal affects the most."We are going to listen to the testimony and decide what to do then," Wolkins said. "I would guess there will be some changes in the cosmetology part of it."

    We need to be prepared to counter the ROEC Alternative Recommendations. Our task now is to get them to allow us to help write new streamlined legislation that is efficient and effective.
